Rado has launched the third Italian edition of the Rado Star Prize – an international competition that aims to support the work of young up-and-coming designers. This year’s competition is open to students of the Istituto Marangoni working in the fields of Interior Design, Industrial Design, Visual Design, Fashion Design and Accessories Design.

Winner 2018

At the Awards Ceremony on Monday, April 16, the winner of the Rado Star Prize Italy 2018 was announced.

As well as offering a unique point of view, Jayi Wang was judged to have introduced elements of innovation consistently with the competition brief with her design. “Air Window” is designed for the detection of invisible pollution in the air.

It is a device made out of transparent glass with a cloud inside which represents the level of pollution in the air.


Competition Theme

The theme of the 2018 competition is ‘Natural Freedom’ and entrants are asked to develop an innovative project in their particular area of design. Using the sub-categories ‘Nature is Back’, New luxury’ and ‘Rethinking space, lifestyle and needs’ as inspiration, the winners from each of the design fields will work together to create a pop-up store.


The jury of the Rado Star Prize, chaired by Giulio Cappellini, includes Massimo Zanatta, School Director at Istituto Marangoni Milano School of Design, Hakim El Kadiri, Rado Product Development Manager since 2011, Livia Peraldo Matton, Editor-in-chief of Elle Decor Italia, and Designer and Artist Matteo Cibic.
They selected the 5 best projects on the basis of a number of criteria, including the project’s response to the brief, its relevance to today’s trends, its practical feasibility and its aesthetic quality.


The competition is open to Istituto Marangoni students in the fields of Interior, Product, Visual, Fashion and Accessories Design.
They were asked to come up with a project in line with the Rado philosophy. The final result, a new pop-up store concept, will be featured in an exhibition at Superstudio Più in Via Tortona 27 April 17 through 22.
The overall contest winner will be presented with a cash prize and a Rado watch.

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