


I realised that we see less and less street piano musicians around London, due to its components that were, piano pedals, piano stand and the main body and these were a pain in the ass to carry. These were weighing a minimum of 7 kilograms, and what made me even more furious was that musicians all need to buy these components separately. Piani is the world's first one bodied keyboard piano. Legs and pedals are combined in one form and are foldable for the ultimate portability for musicians. It is easily carried by holding it with your arm, no need for carrying pedals, piano stand and the main keyboard separately. Two 2- inch drivers are integrated into the horn system, giving rich and crisp sound quality. The first piano keyboard product came out 30 years ago, with a good purpose, which was making piano portable for musicians. However, there was no innovation except the fact that three components of the piano were just separated. Piani is, therefore, a reinvention of the piano keyboard, with one body and close to the quality of the upright piano, whilst breaking the conventional idea of how a piano keyboard should be. For the musicians, piano keyboards nowadays mean useless as they can be easily replaced by MIDI keyboards, since they are heavy, hard to carry and the sound quality is the same when played on the MIDI. Piani would bring a new trend of the piano keyboard. It will contribute musical variety to the urban music scene, seeing musicians collaborate with other musicians with different instruments. The way musicians carry piani will be iconic as well as they travel with the object as if they would carry a piano on their shoulder, and casually travel around the urban scene.

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