Product Designer

Lukas Peet left his native Canada in 2005 to attend the prestigious industrial design program at the Design Academy Eindhoven. After graduating at the top of his class in 2009, he returned to Canada & founded Lukas/Peet Design, which is active in the fields of product design, interior design, graphic design and public space. His work has been widely published and exhibited internationally, including his first solo exhibition recently at the Design Exchange in Toronto. Lukas received the inaugural RBC Emerging Designer Award in 2014 and Maison & Objet Raising talent award in 2015. In 2013 he co-founded ANDlight is a contemporary lighting company, based in Vancouver, Canada.


Architect & Professor

Brigitte Shim along with her partner, A. Howard Sutcliffe, are both principals in the design firm Shim-Sutcliffe Architects. To date, they have received fourteen Governor General’s Medals and Awards for Architecture from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and an American Institute of Architects National Honor Award along with many other professional accolades for their built work ranging from projects for non-profit groups to public and private clients. Brigitte Shim is also a Professor at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto. She has also been an invited visiting professor at Yale University, Harvard University, the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, the University of Auckland’s School of Architecture and Planning within the National Institute for Creative Arts and Industries and others.


Co-Founder and Creative Director Contempo Media, Sharp and S/ magazines

Michael started his career as a writer and photographer and has been the editor-in-chief and creative director of a number of national print and digital publications. He co-founded Contempo Media Inc. just over a decade ago and has established it as Canada’s leading producer of sophisticated modern content, premium events, digital platforms as well as luxury market consumer insights. Passionate about architecture & design Michael has worked closely with designers and builders to realize a number of his own residential. Michael served as a board member of Canada’s Design Exchange museum for a number of years and is a steadfast believer that the spaces you work and live in should inspire and uplift you.


National Director, IDS Canada

Karen is a passionate advocate of design and has worked in the design and creative industries for over seventeen years. Prior to joining IDS Toronto in 2007, she worked in the fashion industry. Currently as the National Director for IDS Canada with Informa Exhibitions, she oversees the IDS brand nationally with a focus on strategic growth, partnerships, business development and programming. She also steers the brand vision, creative direction and marketing. As well, Karen has been part of the Dwell on Design Advisory Group in Los Angeles since 2015.


VP Product Management at RADO

Hakim El Kadiri has been responsible for product development at Rado since 2011. His technical and marketing background and passion for the beautiful things in life, such as design, art and photography, inspired him to join the watchmaking industry. For Hakim, watchmaking is a field where the creation of beauty is ever present, merging innovation, design and technology.

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