
In our growth process, we’re often limited by the social system and external expectations. Sometimes these constraints can guide the direction, but for survive, we will habitually repress ourselves and forget to break through. Therefore, I hope that through my creation, I can inspire people to challenge these established cognitions, using different points of view to look upon this world, also releasing inner and natural energy of human beings.

Metal weaving has a long history. From ancient gold robes and jewelry to living utensils, it records the threads and value of the era. Therefore, I hope it can be continued but reinterpretation this metal weaving process, with the concept of modern industrial molds.

First of all, through the characteristics of brass material, the unit structure is highly extensibility and can be folded to multi-faceted stereoscopic. In the natural environment, the metal can reflect irregular light and shadow. In addition, the three unit parts can be combined with each other to form different items, such as bowls, flowers, lamps, pen holder, or a candle holder. Showing the purest beauty and exquisiteness of the material.

This series of creations makes metal weaving more possibilities and expandability, also expected to inspire people to think about the established cognition with multi-faceted, finding out more ordinary feelings in ordinary life that has never had before.

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