Studio de design

Big-Game is a Swiss design studio founded in Lausanne by Augustin Scott de Martinville, Grégoire Jeanmonod and Elric Petit. This award-winning trio describes its achievements as simple, functional and optimistic, as well as charming and useful.
Big-Game’s design is characterised by functionality, simple shapes, and unexpected details. Despite this minimalist approach, the creative trio manages to give the objects they create a highly distinctive character – an inventive ability that is perfectly reflected in the Rado True Phospho.


Founder of Spazio Rossana Orlandi

After more than 20 years in fashion as a textile spinning consultant for brands such as Giorgio Armani and Donna Karan, as well as for her family business, she decided in 2002 to express her passion for creation as a private collector in an innovative gallery, a platform to present her personal idea of creation and lifestyle. She has since worked as a curator for several exhibitions in Italy and abroad, and also collaborates with high-end fashion, luxury and lifestyle brands. Her perpetual research throughout the world has made her one of the most influential individuals among young brands who are on the rise has made her one of the most influential individuals for up-and-coming young brands.


Director of ENSCI-Les Ateliers

Yann Fabès has been a visual artist since 1988. His work has been presented in many galleries, art centres and museums in France and abroad, and is interested in the modalities of representation. He also worked as a project manager at the Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain in Saint-Etienne from 1989 to 1999. He taught at the Ecole Régionale des Beaux-Arts in Saint-Etienne from 1993 to 2003, then coordinated the art option from 2003 to 2006 before becoming an educational coordinator in 2006. He was also a professor of art history at Jean Monnet University from 1994 to 2003. Between 2007 and 2011, he was Director of Studies at the Ecole Supérieure d'Art et Design in Saint-Etienne.

Philippe Brocart

Director of the MAISON&OBJET exhibition

Since 2012, Philippe Brocart has been Managing Director and member of the Management Board of SAFI (a joint subsidiary of Ateliers d'Art de France and Reed Expositions France), the company that organises the MAISON&OBJET exhibitions at Paris Design Week and publishes the MOM digital platform.
From 1991 to 2012, he held the positions of Exhibition Director and Division Director at Reed Expositions France, the French subsidiary of the world leader in exhibition organisation.


Vice President Product Management

Hakim El Kadiri has been responsible for product development at Rado since 2011. His technical and marketing background and passion for the beautiful things in life, such as design, art and photography, inspired him to join the watchmaking industry. For Hakim, watchmaking is a field where the creation of beauty is ever present, merging innovation, design and technology.

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