Design Director, Steuart Padwick

British Designer Steuart Padwick is known for his warm, witty and sculptural designs. He is a designer of furniture, lighting and products for domestic and contract spaces. Padwick also works on large scale sculptural projects. In 2018, he changed the London skyline with his installation, Head Above Water on the South Bank in support of the Time to Change campaign. The film is currently being shown on board all Virgin Atlantic flights.


Editor, ELLE Decoration UK

Ben Spriggs is the editor of ELLE Decoration UK, the world’s bestselling interiors magazine, and has 20 years’ experience of lifestyle and interiors journalism. With an avid interest in contemporary design and décor and an unrivalled reputation, Ben often gives talks, chairs discussions and acts as a spokesperson for the interiors industry.


Editor in Chief, Clippings

Rose Etherington is Director of Brand & Communications at Clippings, the all-in-one platform to deliver interior design projects. She joined the company as editor-in-chief in 2014 and has been a design journalist for over a decade, including six years at Dezeen where she was the first editor.


Vice President Product, Rado

Hakim El Kadiri has been responsible for product development at Rado since 2011. His technical and marketing background and passion for the beautiful things in life, such as design, art and photography, inspired him to join the watchmaking industry. For Hakim, watchmaking is a field where the creation of beauty is ever present, merging innovation, design and technology.


Event Director, Informa

Since 2013 Mark Gordon has been involved in managing and launching the largest architecture and design events in the UK. Currently he is Director of designjunction, the premier design festival in the UK, as well as hospitality design focused show Sleep & Eat and KBB Birmingham.

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