Dr. Andrew H. Dent, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President of Research at Material ConneXion

Dr. Andrew Dent is Material ConneXion’s EVP of Research, and SANDOW’s Chief Material Scientist, playing a key role in the expansion of both companies’ technical knowledge base and helping clients develop or improve their products through the use of innovative materials. He is a frequent speaker on material science, and has co-authored and contributed to numerous publications on the subject.



For over 18 years as force MAJEURE, formerly Raison Pure's Director of Communications in Paris and based in New York since 1999, Odile merged the commercial and the artistic together in the communication of design. In May 2007, she co-founded Gallery R'Pure in New York, introducing the work of new and emerging furniture, lighting and object designers to the New York design marketplace. In 2011, Odile co-founded with Claire Pijoulat WantedDesign NYC . With her connection to design institutions, schools and museums, the design press, furniture showrooms, and a presence at international fairs in Paris, Milan and Miami, Odile continues to seek out and promote new creative talent.

Hakim El-Kadiri

VP Product Management at Rado

Hakim El Kadiri has been responsible for product development at Rado since 2011. His technical and marketing background and passion for the beautiful things in life, such as design, art and photography, inspired him to join the watchmaking industry. For Hakim, watchmaking is a field where the creation of beauty is ever present, merging innovation, design and technology.

Barbara Paris Gifford

Barbara Paris Gifford is an Assistant Curator at the Museum of Arts and Design with an expertise in Contemporary Jewelry and Personal Adornment. Her past exhibitions include Counter-Couture: Handmade Fashion in an American Counterculture, Voulkos: The Breakthrough Years, and Ebony Patterson: Dead Treez. Currently working on an upcoming exhibition on architecture and the studio craft movement.

Dan Rubinstein

Dan Rubinstein is the Home + Design Editor of DEPARTURES magazine. For more than 15 years in media, he has contributed to a variety of publications, such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Monocle, T Magazine, Architectural Digest, Interior Design, Dwell, Frame, New York, and many others. Rubinstein was also the former Editor-in-Chief of Surface, and he has also served as a guest critic and lecturer at design schools such as Parsons, Syracuse University, and the Rhode Island School of Design. His first book, This Is Not a House, is available from Rizzoli.

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