This year’s U.S. edition of the Rado Star Prize will focus on the concept of “Design Inspired by Nature”- a theme that hopes to explore the influence nature can have on design. The Rado Star Prize, which is held internationally to promote the work of young designers, is another example of Rado’s continued collaboration with NYCxDESIGN and WantedDesign for the 2018.


Rado is looking for innovative ideas for using new materials paying tribute to the theme DESIGN INSPIRED BY NATURE. The materials, look or design of the object should be a tribute to functional design for daily use with materials, textures, with inspiration derived from nature.


Ten finalists and one winner of the Rado Star Prize U.S. 2018 will be selected by a specialist jury comprising NYCxDESIGN participants, WantedDesign, Rado and members of the design and watch community. The winner will receive $5,000 in prize money to fund the production of their design concept as well as a Rado True Thinline timepiece, and all finalists will have the opportunity to display their concepts at WantedDesign Manhattan during NYCxDESIGN taking place in May 2018. An additional prix du public winner, selected through online voting, will also have the opportunity to showcase during NYCxDESIGN and will also receive a Rado True Thinline watch.

Rado Official Watch Sponsor NYCxDESIGN

NYCxDESIGN is New York City’s official celebration of global design, and as the official watch sponsor of the event, Rado, along with WantedDesign, provides a platform that best supports the brand's longstanding tradition of promoting young talent through the Rado Star Prize.

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