Judges’ winner 2019


Collection Design: The Concertina collection comprises of both furniture and home décor items fabricated by methodically processing timber. Systematically cutting the timber produces a versatile, semi-fluid material which moves in multiple directions. First hand research into the properties of timber has unearthed the impacts of subtle changes in thickness, length and frequency of cuts on the material’s flexibility. Concertina products emphasise a typically denigrated feature - bandsaw marks. Finishing only the exterior of the timber accentuates the inside faces ¬in its raw form. The systematic cuts to the timber allows the material to be stretched and manipulated; it can expand/span great distances to provide surface area suitable for furniture while limiting the quantity of timber required. Materials: English Ash and Cherry are the two timbers used within the range of furnishings. Both timbers are sourced locally and FSC approved. The wood is finished using OSMO oil which are based on natural and renewable vegetable oils, with a very low-VOC content, the products are environmentally friendly. The timber-based collection also utilises steel rod and leather round cord. Leather is currently a waste product of the meat industry. If/when the population shifts to a lower consumption of meat hemp cord would be used.


Public vote winner 2019


emoshi is designed to reduce children’s stress and anxiety when staying in paediatric wards through teaching patients how to express their emotions. emoshi contains a range of interactive activities to help children to learn the names and feelings of different emotions, allowing them to explain to hospital staff how they are feeling in order to receive the relevant care. Studies have proven that stress and anxiety is a huge problem for young patients and can lead to longer recovery times and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. One of the main causes of stress and anxiety is children’s inability to communicate their emotions. This can lead to the miscommunication of emotions, resulting in children receiving the incorrect care and unnecessary painkillers from medical staff as emotions such as confusion, scared and boredom are mistaken with feelings of pain. This can lead to longer recovery times and increased costs for the hospitals. Furthermore, research has proven more play is necessary in hospitals in order to provide children with the mental stimulation that they require to develop. The emoshi pack includes an interactive book that guides carers theough the play so that they are able to teach their child how to communicate their emotions without the assistance of medical staff. The product helps children to understand eight key emotions; excited, scared, happy, okay, sad, confused, bored and poorly. The minimalist stylisation of the emoshi’s expressions are easy for young children to identify and understand. The ergonomic form of the emoshi’s ensures that they are comfortable for young children to hold and interact with. Additionally, the angled flat faces enable the user to see the emoshi’s expression when positioned below the eye line. emoshi aims to help to improve children’s hospital experience and to reduce patient recovery times through allowing children to learn and develop key communication skills through play in order to reduce stress and anxiety.

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